
November 8, 2006


Filed under: Chiari — jerabekk66 @ 8:03 pm

In the never-ending cycle of SM Dante is flaring.  About a week ago he had a small spell in the car.  I thought it occurred because he really wrenched his neck from one side to the other when someone walked near the car behind him, but there have been little signs since then.  Several times I’ve thought I heard his jaw clicking but when I looked at him he seemed fine with ears up and bright eyes. 

Yesterday when we walking he had a big spell and two others last night.  He’s back on Nuerontin and I am giving him the broad spectrum antibiotic again.  The reason for this is that the six week good spell came shortly after giving him this antibiotic.  We’ll see.

His ears are flat against his head and the eyes are dull.  I don’t think the Nuerontin helps him at all really and I’m getting no help from his nuerologist.  His attitude right now is that all that can be done for Dante from a medical perspective has been done and we need to focus on holistic treatments when he has spells.  I’m not against that and Dante goes to the acupuncturist on 12/6, but I’m definitely getting the, ‘don’t call me’ feeling from his nuero.  Maybe it’s time to have Dante’s MRI, records and history reviewed by another nuero just so I’m sure the all medical options are off of the table and at least might get some better help with pain management.  I don’t want to insult his original nuero but he certainly does seem to be washing his hands of us.  It makes me really frustrated.  In my conversation with him last night he ended with the comment that I should let him know what happens in a very off putting way.  I’m not going to go on about that b/c I’m really POed about it.  I guess I shouldn’t be surprised based on what I’ve heard from others on the Yahoo board.  Soooooo, be proactive and get a second opinion and review of Dante’s entire history.  I’m fairly sure that the second nuero will come to the same conclusion so I don’t completely fault the current nuero, but it was just the way it was said, like, “see ya!”  I’m sure some of my anxiety is fueled by my fear of the SM spiraling out of control so take my comments re: the doctors with a huge grain of salt. 

Will let you know what the other nuero says.  I was actually referred to him originally but he was having back surgery so that’s how I ended up with the other nuero.


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